Saturday, December 17, 2016

Додаткові адреси

Друзі, у Гугл-документі не були включені ось ці дві школи.
Не оминіть їх увагою!
Надішліть листівки!

Маріупольська спеціальна загальноосвітня школа - інтернта № 37
Донецької обласної ради -
проїзд Шопена, 4,
місто Маріуполь,
Донецька область,

№4 публичная школа
ул. Давид Тавдадебули 13
г. Поти,


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Sunday, December 11, 2016


Bilopillia school #1

Pustomyty school #1

Cherkasy school #21

Kyiv school #167

Zaporizhzhia Gymnasium #93


Hello everyone! 
My name is Tatiana Glebova.I teach the Ukrainian language and literature at the school - a boarding № 37 of the city of Mariupol.
We have prepared a small kids videorolk about our city. 
Do not judge us severely - my students with special needs and foreign languages do not study, but we tried as best we could !!!

Ideas for lessons

At the beginning of the project students were given handouts to fill in. They marked our partner cities/towns on the map of Ukraine and filled in the chart about them including the information about location, population, places of interest, famous people and interesting facts.
You won't believe but I learnt so much from my students!

Monday, December 5, 2016


Who loves to travel, enjoy the beauty of wild nature, then this tour is for you! Come visit us in the city of Poti, Georgia! You expect great entertainment!